Our company Consumerera is the number one online destination to discover local businesses in Spain. Our expertise lies in various categories including energy, fashion, cars, banking, or telecom. We can help our customers find out local businesses in these sectors through our easy-to-use website in Spanish. This website allows you to quickly search for and obtain contact information for businesses within mentioned industries. Since our inception in 2009, Consumerera has grown considerably, with listings now over 150 businesses and still counting. It's always been our mission to create meaningful connections between the people and the businesses around them, enabling local communities prosper. However, while anyone can browse through the site, registration is necessary to avail of personalized services or to consult with our expert agents. We believe in quick responses and seamless assistance. Our team of experts offers swift responses with just one click on all your queries, ensuring you receive the help on the fly and when you required it the most. Our user-friendly interface is created to be intuitive and smooth on any device, in case you're accessing using either your mobile or desktop system. We aspire to go beyond business listings and always strive to build a lively community. Integrity, innovation, and customers' satisfaction are at the heart of ConsumerEra with a safe environment in which people and businesses connect and grow together. Being in a continuous improvement process, we are looking forward to the future and new features that are in development to better the experience.