*Join Click Picture Below* Pt. 3# The Feasts Of The LORD (Exodus 12:3-7) (God's Cycle Of Salvation) (Sat. 3-20-21 40pm)(Video: FB/ROKU/2UBII/BUZZBII):
(On One Level, We Can See That ‘The Mo'adim’ (FEASTS) Can Teach Us The Doctrines Of Salvation, Both Personal Salvation, And National Deliverance. Briefly, Here’s How It Works?)
(What Doctrines Are Emphasized On This Day?)
This is the doctrine which emphasizes Releasing From Slavery. On Passover, Israel remembers ‘The Redemption From Slavery In Egypt’. The Ransom, or Price of Redemption or Release, is ‘The Blood Of The Passover Lamb’. The Redeemer is The LORD Himself. But remember that while Israel was taken from Slavery in Egypt, they had a ‘New Owner’ and were made God's Slaves. They were ‘Not Free To Do Anything They Thought They Wanted To Do’ (THEY HAD BEEN BOUGHT WITH A PRICE, THEY WERE NOT OWNERLESS)!
It is the same type of scenario on ‘The Spiritual Level’. We were ‘All Slaves To Sin’. Sin was like our Egypt. But a ‘Price Was Paid To Release Us Also’. It is the same, ‘The Blood Of The Passover Lamb’, and on the ‘Spiritual Level’, The Passover Lamb was Jesus Our Hebrew LORD!:
(Ephesians 1:7a):
‘In Him we have Redemption (Ransomed) through His Blood,’
Who, then, was the Redeemer or our souls? The LORD! Who we now Serve? Romans 6 says that we are ‘Free From Sin’ and I Corinthians 5 teaches that ‘We Belong To The Lord, who ‘Bought Us’! (WE HAVE BEEN BOUGHT WITH A PRICE, NEITHER ARE WE OWNERLESS)!
Salvation speaks of Deliverance or Rescuing. At Passover we remember how God Saved Israel from ‘Both Drowning In The Red Sea and death by the swords of the perusing Egyptian army. In escaping Egypt, Israel was pushed to a point of ‘Utter Helplessness’ with The Sea in front and the Egyptians behind them. There was no escape! But God Saved Them! He Rescued them from death when they realized that they were ‘Utterly Helpless To Save Themselves’.
In the same way, Passover teaches us that ‘We Are Saved From Sin’. God brought us to the point of realizing that we could not loosen the grip sin had on us. If left in that condition, eternal death was inevitable. We were ‘Utterly Helpless’ until God broke through, just as He did for the Israelites! His Word to us was the same as it was to do them: "Stand Still And See The Salvation Of The Lord!" So too, God made us ‘Stand Still’ with nothing we can do for ourselves, that He Himself could Save, Rescue, or Deliver Us From Sin. So He Sent Salvation. The word Yeshua means "Salvation" in Hebrew, but in English ‘Yeshua means JESUS’. So He sent Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation to deliver us from sin.
God desires that we continue with our Passover Celebration by eating ‘Matzah’ (UNLEAVENED BREAD) for 7 Days. Matzah is Bread without leaven. Leaven has become a Biblical Symbol for Sin. Therefore, by instructing us to eat Matzah for 7 Days, God is instructing The Believer what his life is To Be Like After Jesus Redeems and Saves him. He, as a ‘New Creation’, is a person whose Sin Is Taken Away; he is Holy, Righteous, and A Child of God!
*Join Click Picture Below* Pt. 2# The Feasts Of The LORD (Exodus 8:27-28) (A NEW OWNER) (3-13-21)(Sat.13th 40pm)(Video: FB/ROKU/2UBII/BUZZBII):
(Why did Moses tell the Pharaoh that the Israelites wished to take a ‘3 DAY’ Journey into the desert to worship God, when they had no intention of going back to Egypt? Did Moses lie? Even more seriously, did the Lord lie?)
(Exodus 8:27-28):
We will go three days' journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord our God as He will command us." So Pharaoh said, "I will let you go, that you may sacrifice to the Lord your God in the wilderness; only you shall not go very far away. Intercede for me."
God does not have to tell anybody the full, unfolding Revelation on any topic until the time is right! He often tests our attitude first. 'A 3 DAYS JOURNEY' was not the Complete Revelation, just the start of a much greater journey. In this tidbit of information given to the Pharaoh, there was also a test and opportunity for Pharaoh's heart to be soften. It did not.
(Proverbs 25:2-3)
'It is The Glory of God to CONCEAL A MATTER; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. As the Heavens are high and the earth is deep, so the hearts of kings are ‘Unsearchable.'
The Apostle Paul also affirms this:..
(Romans 11:33)
'Oh, the depth of the riches of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! How ‘Unsearchable’ his judgments, and his paths ‘Beyond Tracing Out!'
So Pharaoh had NO Right to know the full mind of God, moreover, it was in his own interests not to know it.
(Romans 6:16)
“Do you not know that to whom you ‘Yield Yourselves SERVANTS TO OBEY’, you are ‘That One's SLAVE Whom You Obey’, whether of ‘Sin Leading To Death’ (SATAN), or of ‘Obedience Leading To Righteousness (GOD)?”
After their redemption from Egypt, the children of Israel were no longer ‘Slaves to Pharaoh’. Instead they were ‘slaves to God’. In Romans 6, Paul alludes to this transformation. He says that ‘Before Salvation’, while we were still in the flesh, we were ‘Slaves To Sin’. After Salvation, we became ‘Slaves To Righteousness’.
When God rescued Israel from Egypt, He took the people away from Pharaoh. The Israelites no longer belonged to the Egyptians, but instead, they belonged to God. This transfer of ownership from Pharaoh to God and from ‘Sin To Righteousness’ is what the Scripture means when it speaks of "Redemption." When the Bible says that God "Redeemed" us, it means that he "BOUGHT US BACK," transferring our ownership to Himself. As ‘Our New Owner’, God Has Authority Over Us!
One of the dominant theme of Passover are ‘The 10 Plagues Of Judgement Poured Out On The House Of Pharaoh and The Land Of Egypt’. The Jewish people are often identified as the people whom God brought up from the land of Egypt. On the other hand, The God of Israel, identifies himself ’10 TIMES’ in the Hebrew Scriptures as: (I Am The LORD Your God, Who Brought You Out Of The Land Of Egypt)!
This Teaching Video Will Give Insight Into The Legal Ramifications Of Ownership Of God’s People….
*Join Click Picture* Pt.1# The Feasts Of The LORD (Leviticus 23 & Ecclesiastes 3:1) (GOD’S APPOINTMENT BOOK) (3-6-21) (Sat.6th 40pm)(Video: FB/ROKU/2UBII/BUZZBII):
(Ecclesiastes 3:1):
"To Everything there is a ‘SEASON, A TIME’ for every purpose under Heaven:".
So many verses in Scripture come back to The Foundational Truth that God knows best and wants us to Trust Him in ‘ALL THINGS AND AT ALL TIMES’. He made the world and governs the universe, and is never surprised at what is going on in the world, nor the circumstances that are happening in the individual lives of His children.
‘TIMES and SEASONS’ have been foreordained by God. He even knows the number of hairs on our heads and the Lord our God has scheduled each day of our lives. So often, we think that we know what would be best for ourselves and humanity, and our own perceived ideas are often revealed in our prayers... and yet the desires of our heart and our petitions to the Lord, often conflict with God's wider will for our lives and His desire and destiny for us.
In Leviticus 23 God declares certain days on The Biblical Calendar to be ‘MO’ADIM’, or: (APPOINTED TIMES). They include the weekly Sabbath, the Feasts of Passover and Pentecost, Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Booths.
It is not uncommon to hear people refer to ‘The Appointed Times’ as the Jewish festivals. This is ‘Only Partially True’, in that Scripturally, God did give His Appointed Times to the world through the people of Israel. He told the Israelites, "The LORD's appointed times which you shall proclaim as holy convocations—My Appointed Times are these" (Leviticus 23:2). The Jewish people are the distributors of God's calendar.
However, ‘God Does Not Refer To Them As Jewish Festivals’! He refers to them as: ‘MY APPOINTED TIMES’. They are God's Holy Days. Paul asks:
(Romans 3:29):
"Is God the God of Jews only? Is He not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also"
The Bible never offered Gentile Christians any alternative festival days. To say that Gentile believers are ‘Not Able To Keep God's Appointed Times’ is the same thing as saying that Gentile believers are not supposed to have any holy days or days of worship. Neither the Gospels nor the Epistles grant the Gentile believers ‘Their Own Special Festivals’.
In the days of the Apostles, both Jewish and Gentile believers ‘Observed God's Appointed Times Together’. They met in the synagogues and in the Temple on the Sabbath and Festival Days to Celebrate and Observe God's Holy Days. When Gentile Christianity left the cradle of Their ROOTS, the Gentile Christians began to neglect ‘God’s Appointed Times’. The timing of Passover was changed. The other Festivals fell into dis-use. (Is This What God Intended For Believers?)
The Apostle Paul tells us the festivals are “a shadow of the things to come”…
(Colossians 2:16-17):
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an Holyday (FEAST), or of the New Moon, or of the Sabbath days: ‘Which Are A Shadow Of Things To Come’; ‘BUT THE BODY IS OF CHRIST (REFERRING TO THE CHURCH).
This means that from Creation, God has given mankind ‘Celebrations That Are Prophetic (SHADOWS)’, pointing to the coming of Christ and The Messianic Kingdom. According to the prophets, in that Kingdom, with Christ ruling and reigning in Jerusalem, ‘All Mankind, Both JEWS and GENTILES’ will be Celebrating ‘God’s Appointed Times:
(Isaiah 66:23):
“From New Moon to New Moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, ‘All Flesh Shall Come To Worship Before Me, Declares The LORD”.
In turn, ‘The Biblical Calendar’, perfectly encompasses the Past, Present, and Future for all humanity, ‘Both JEW and GENTILE’ (ONE NEW HUMANITY)...
**Join Click Picture Below** 7# Terumah (Ex 25:1-27:19) (THE TABERNACLE: ‘BUILD IT AND HE WILL COME) (Sat.20th 40pm)(Video: FB/ROKU/2UBII/BUZZBII):
(A Rabbi once asked: “WHERE DOES GOD DWELL?” to which he replied, “WHEREVER YOU LET HIM!”)
(Exodus 25:8):
“And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may Dwell AMONG THEM.”
In The Bible, it took God 34 verses to create the entire universe. Just Chapter 1 of Genesis and 3 verses of Chapter 2. How long did it take the Israelites to build the much simpler Tabernacle the Wilderness? More than 600 verses in The Book of Exodus, beginning with This Week’s Torah Portion (Terumah), and plus the next 4 Portions! Why is this asked The Sages of Israel! – It was not just because getting any group of Families to agree upon how to complete a building project is always a very time consuming! Or could it be because while is it NOT so difficult for God to ‘Build A Home Fit For Humanity To Live In (Creation)’, it is extremely difficult for ‘Humanity To Make A Home Fit For God (Tabernacle)’!
The TABERNACLE (MISHKAN) was a physical manifestation of God’s Presence on earth as designed and built by human hands. The Word of God called upon every Israelite to present the finest ‘Gifts (Terumah)’ in their possession in metal, gems, wood, fabric, and other materials and to offer them (From The Heart) for the purpose of its construction:
(Exodus 25:8):
“And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may Dwell AMONG THEM.”
But by reading this passage in The Original Hebrew, we fine something much more personal spoken to us from The LORD:
(Exodus 25:8):
(Asu li mikdash v’shachanti B’TOCHAM)
The final Hebrew word of this divine instruction is: (B’TOCHAM), translated in English as: (AMONG THEM)…
But the Hebrew Word: ‘B’TOCHAM’, should more accurately be translated as: ‘IN THEM’, making the passage say:
“And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may Dwell ‘IN THEM.”
Therefore, The same Divine Presence which came to rest in the Tabernacle would have rested within each individual.' This understanding caused The Sages to developed the notion that each home is in actuality, ‘A Small Temple (Mikdash Me'at), And Each Of God’s People was also is a ‘Miniature Temple’. That is to say the Divine Presence of God (i.e. The Holy Spirit) Dwells Within The Individual.
The prophet Ezekiel was one of those who saw the need of Restoration of The Fallen House of God to it’s Original Foundation, and it is to him we owe the first reference to a radically ‘New Reformation’ that eventually became known as the Bet Knesset: (The House of Gathering)
(Ezekiel 11: 16)
‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: although I sent them far away among the nations and scattered them among the countries, yet I have become to them a ‘Small Sanctuary’ (Mikdash Me’at) in the countries where they have gone’.
Therefore, because His People had strayed so far from Him and His Word, they were 'Taken Into Bondage' and their ‘Gathering Places’ were destroyed, but in this manner, a miniature sanctuary remained: ‘I Will Dwell IN Their Homes and IN THEM’!
This is a concept with which the writers of the Apostolic Scriptures were certainly familiar. Paul repeatedly symbolizes both the individual believer and the congregation of believers as the 'Temple of God' with the Holy Spirit ‘Dwelling Within Us’.
(2 Corinthians 6:16 quoting Leviticus 26:12):
“For we are ‘The Temple of The Living God; just as God said, "I Will Dwell ‘IN THEM’ and walk ‘Among Them’; and I will be their God, and they shall be My People."
This is the reason for which God has Redeemed Us. Far more than simply Saving Us From Damnation, He has chosen to make His dwelling ‘Amongst Us and Within Us’. He desired to live Within His people.