For over 25 years, GCTactical has been acknowledged to supply some of the most comprehensive and specialised training programs regarding Use of Force, Handcuffing and Baton as well as Verbal De-Escalation and Crisis Intervention training inside the global fitness, safety and private security enterprise.
Its core basis based in Military and Police Tactical Training, the GCTactical Use of Force schooling program and Crisis Intervention certifications are Internationally recognized. The GCTactical schooling programs are utilized by Law Enforcement, Private Security as well as Health & Safety Agencies.
The GCTactical education packages are in use and identified through most important Corporations, Private Security Agencies and Government Agencies in Canada, USA, UK, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East
GCTactical represents the best level in Personal Protection, Law Enforcement Equipment and the development of Private Security & Safety Training Programs.