New U Therapy Center provides Telehealth services, Psychiatric Evaluation, Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, Psychiatric Walk-In Same Day and regular evaluation and medication management, Counseling or Psychotherapy for Children, Adults, Couples, and Family. A professional team of Psychiatrists, Board Certified Psychiatric NP, licensed therapists or counselors provide coordinated and integrative treatment approach as a professional team. For the convenience of our community, all mental health services are provided under one roof of our clinic. We specialize in treating Resistant Depression, Anxiety, Stress Disorders, and PTSD or Trauma disorders. We see children of all ages, starting from 3yo. If you feel stuck at any point of your life and don't know what direction to take, we are happy to guide you through life barriers to help you feel successful. Inna Lee, LMFT, CCHT is a founder of the Mental Health Clinic. She has developed a unique treatment program for PTSD and all types of trauma that include a combination of therapy and clinical hypnosis. It shows highly effective results. Clients report successful healing even in very persistent and old cases.
Call us: (661) 299-7079