A traditional singing bowl is hand-crafted from seven metals: lead, tin, iron, copper, zinc, silver and gold, which correspond to our seven energy centers (chakras). Tibetan making a song bowls were used for hundreds of years for recuperation, meditation and remedy. With the assist of making a song bowls we can produce a variety of vibrations to repair the frequencies of diseased and out-of-concord elements of the body, mind and soul.
Only about eight out of a hundred making a song bowls are appropriate for expert sound recovery and sound meditation. Due to the ever-growing rate of metals on the market, most bowls nowadays are made from metals together with brass or reasonably-priced aluminium, with a nice coating in order that they all appearance the same to the patron's eye. Our craftsmen use seventy six% copper, a 22% combination of tin, lead, zinc, iron and we finish our bowls with 0.03% silver and 0.01% real gold. As all our units are hand hammered, every bowl is a completely unique paintings of art, considered one of a kind. Prices available on request most effective