A dive into out of home advertisement
Out of home (OOH) advertising is a form of advertising which catches customer’s attention outside their home. Through these ways of advertising, customers get to know about new launches and more about product while they are in transit. OOH advertising in India can placed at bus stand, metro station or airport and in form of hoarding, billboards, and pamphlet.
In today’s time when people spend most of their hours outside the home, out of home advertising plays an effective role. People who are still not well versed with the social media, those who are far away from digital world, for them OOH advertising is a boon. Out of home advertising not only creates an immediate impact but comparative to others modes of advertising it is economic as well. However, location plays an important role for the success of out of home advertising. If the right audience is targeted then it helps companies a lot to promote their product.
Benefits of Out of home advertising
Brand Recognition: - This is one of the best low-priced mediums for brand recognition for any company. Compared to radio ads or other brand recognition campaigns, it is one of the least expensive mediums for brand awareness.
Disadvantages of out of home advertising
Limited Information: - Though OOH advertising in India is done on a large scale is result oriented as well but still there are some demerits with it like it just give basic details and fails to provide all information at one glance.
Effectiveness: -It cannot be measured if the outdoor advertising has created some impact on the sales or not. There are the chances that people are looking at it but with the absent mind. So, it becomes very difficult for OOH advertising agency to measure its effectiveness.
Contact information: - People look at the billboard, signs on vehicles and posters for a while. Therefore, it becomes very difficult to remember the contact information. On the other hand, ads placed on other social media platforms redirects customer to the company website and there they can have the complete information.
Digital out of home advertising
Over the period of time OOH advertising agencies have come up with the most creative strategies and eye-catching promotions. Digitalization of advertisement has upgraded the OOH advertising business. Digital screens have taken the place of billboards at many places like airport, offices, residential complexes, bus stand, metros etc.
DOOHA (Digital Out of home advertising) is now more engaging than print OOH because in DOOHA continuous animated images binds the customer with it for a while. It helps brands to get the data regarding playtime of their ads. Nowadays major countries and cities are focusing towards promoting their brands via DOOH advertisement.
The major advantage of DOOHA is the power of content. DOOH advertisement provides opportunity to present their content in the most creative and innovative way. Powerful content helps to impact the customer’s sentiment, values and beliefs. Therefore, DOOHA is now in trend and with the help of OOH advertising agency in India you can advertise your brand impressively.
TDI INDIA is one of the renowned names as largest premium transit and digital advertising company in India which provide accord of in-transit advertising solution such as airport, metro advertising and mobile services of out of home adverting.
Tips to boost up your SME business in India
The abbreviated form of small and medium-sized business refers to privately held corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships with fewer employees, lower annual revenue, or a business in its early stages. In today's competitive environment, it is extremely difficult to sustain a SME business. Because of well-known brands' names and marketing strategies. Marketing, or advertisements, play an important role in making a new product stand out in a crowd of millions. Large market players recognize it and invest more in various marketing strategies. Because a SME business does not have enough budget to afford a plethora of high-priced marketing services, they look for cost-effective and result-oriented advertising tactics. However, one of these statics is Alibaba India's advertising skills, and Alibaba channel partners in India provide cost-effective advertising styles for SMEs as well.
Even if you are the best manufacturer, if there are no or few buyers, the firm will suffer a significant loss. Because the success of any business is determined by the number of customers, every company's primary goal is to impress the public through advertisements and provide them with significant relevant services. It is not difficult for well-established businesses to attract a large number of customers because they have already worked hard to become a brand and provide the best service to retain customers for a long time. It is great for them, but it causes problems for startups and small businesses that do not have enough money to spend on door-to-door marketing or to offer a high rate of discount on products. In such cases, Alibaba India advertising assists SMEs in becoming the gold supplier by connecting them with millions of customers through E-advertising and selling goods and services all over the world. E-advertising is a method of digitally advertising a brand on a massive scale and bridging the gap between buyers and sellers through the internet and mobile marketing.
Currently, social media sites are used for more than just making friends and chatting with them; advertising and online selling are additional features of such sites where SMEs create promotional links, videos, and profiles to advertise their product in the public domain on social media sites. A digital advertising agency assists them in the following tasks:
• Customized web page design
• Customize URL link
• Standard verified link
• Premium Gold Supplier Seal
• Company Photo
• Onsite Video
• Company certification
• Multi Photo Gallery
• Biz Trend Smart Tool
• Sub Account Management
• Trade manager
• Quote to buying request
• Access to buyers contact details
• Homepage Them Promotion
• Trade show Promotion
• Unlimited Product listing
• Product Showcase
• Higher product Ranking
• Sell on Multilanguage Marketplace
There is no product that does not have a user because "need is the mother of invention," and as a supplier, you must find the appropriate community for your SME market. Alibaba India digital advertising agency promotes the product on a large scale and invites the public to become a customer of such business by creating digital advertisements and posting them on various digital platforms.
TDI India is the Alibaba Channel partner in India which offers the certified airport and outdoor advertising in India. However, it is the first channel partner in India which customizes the brand campaigns, according to the budget and other unique requirements of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) & corporates in the country, has been the trademark strength of the TDI group.
All you need to know about Out of Home advertising (OOH) strategy
Over the past two decades Outdoor Advertising in India has gone through drastic changes and now it is offering the great potential for business. OOH advertising which usually held outdoor at crowded places is proficient to target the audience. This is one of cost-effective and purposeful marketing strategy you must need to consider. In order to hire an Outdoor advertising agency in India, you must have to depth insight of this strategy. This post blog might be helpful for you to know about this strategy and find the best Ooh advertising agency India.
OOH Location
Location plays the key role in outdoor advertisement. An effective advertisement is one which can targets many eyes and minds. In respect of this OOH location is essential to be predetermined. Since advertisement on public areas needs the permission in writing hence, before investing in an OOH advertising company in India, it is good to ask them about their authorized advertising area. Usually crowed areas such as bus-stop, metro station, airports are the places which have millions of footfall, so effective for OOH advertisement.
OOH advertising types
There is a huge list of OOH advertising type which commonly includes billboards, transit, retail and guerilla advertising. Every OOH advertisement has its own unique way to target the audience so you also must have to know about these types their merits and demerits.
Cost of OOH advertising
Each type of advertisement has its own way to showcase the brand in front of public. Ooh advertising agency use various technologies such as statics, 3D animation, mobile and many more to design a creative and purposeful advertisement. Being the buyer of the services you must have to know about these technologies and their costs.
Response from other clients
Along with basics of OOH advertising you should know about the Ooh advertising agency before giving him the assignment. There are various ooh advertising agencies in India, each have own style to serve their best. In order to choose one best fit, you should evaluate the services, prices from its competitors. Moreover you can check the result of their services. In respect of this Google reviews, company’s client testimonials will help you a lot. In addition to that, you can check the impact directly from the advertisement location.
Approval from the local governance is essential for anyone to use the public area for any purpose, and when the purpose is outdoor marketing then it becomes essential for ooh advertising agency to get the approval first. If it doesn’t have such approval then the ooh advertising might be considered as illegal and you also might be penalized for such act. So be aware and ask for the authorization letter.
If you are looking for a certified ooh advertising company in India then TDI INDIA is one of the renowned names. TDI INDIA is premium transit and digital advertising expert which provides extensive range of outdoor advertising in India. Along with this, it offers accord of adverting services such as airport advertising, Delhi metro advertisements, internet and mobile advertising in India.