We tend to look for talent in the same old places or follow trends of the “ best hire ” as the “ best fit ”. There's no one- size- fits- all approach, but these trends can undermine efforts to boost diversity and hinder creativity and innovation. This article outlines 7 challenges in assessment that HR teams face when it comes to using psychometric assessments.

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7 Common Challenges While Using Assessment Tools - ACCENDO

Top Assessment Tools for Recruitment Leaders to Develop a Strong Talent Pipeline

In this blog, we will highlight the importance of talent assessments in recruitment & pipeline development and how these assessments factor into your talent pipeline development.

Read More: https://accendotechnologies.co....m/blog/the-best-tool

Performance Potential Matrix: 9 Box Grid Model for HiPo

With the growth of high-potential programs, associations have started asking themselves if they ’re hiring the right candidates. Are they getting high performers? Are they getting effective leaders? Are they getting strong emotional intelligence leaders?

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The 9-Box Grid: A Performance Potential Matrix for HiPos

Introduction Leadership positions are bound to shift. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including a transfer within the same organization (in the case of multinational corporations), resignation, death or critical illness, retirement, sabbatical, or employment termination.

Read More: https://accendotechnologies.co....m/blog/why-successio

Why Is Succession Planning Important? | Benefits of Succession Planning

Why is an Succession planning important part of the talent Intelligence Platform process. it provides a way to identify right Skill.

In the ever-changing business landscape, a robust succession plan is vital. This blog provides insights into the current state of succession planning in SEA organisations in 2023, addressing the challenges and mistakes that can arise.

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Smart Succession Planning for South East Asia Organisations


Accendo Technologies exist because companies struggle to align talent with business strategy and need a completely new approach to managing talent.

Our cloud technology platform integrates with core HRMS solutions and allows organizations to understand their talent, identify talent risks, conceptualize strategies, assess candidates, match individuals to roles, and create development plans linked to their career growth.

At the same time, the platform works with employees to help them understand themselves better, identify potential roles and career paths, and create development plans for their own growth aspirations.