Tin Shed
They are ideal for storing recreational items such as boats, caravans, airplanes, motorcycles and vintage cars. An outdoor storage shed with an attic is more profitable. Anything that doesn't fit in the garage can be thrown into the outdoor storage tin shed.Various models of outdoor storage tin sheds such as Qmodel, Smodel and Model are available on the market.
Some self storage Canterbury insist that you rent for a minimum period of time, but others offer flexible terms. Ask what documentation is required, what payment methods are accepted, whether locks and packaging materials are included, and if there are any restrictions on what can be and what can be built and everything from kids' bikes and skateboards to gardening tools and tools can be in Outdoor storage sheds. They are ideal for storing recreational items such as boats, caravans, airplanes, motorcycles and vintage cars.
For More Info:-https://www.durasteel.co.nz/pr....oducts/outdoor-stora