GoKapture is dedicated to breathing life into your vision. We present popular, customized, as well as unique event technology solutions to specifically cater to the style and scale of the occasion at hand.
Since 2015, we have been helping brands build bigger and engage varied audiences in a meaningful manner. We make sure that your message is disseminated not only widely but also that it resonates deeply, for which our tech wizardry provides you with just the right audio-visual cues.
Beginning with a truly eclectic range of photo and video booths that can be tailored to suit the event as desired, GoKapture has branched out into the engineering and mastering of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technology, motion sensors, embedded software and applications, from event registration to integral data collection. Additionally, we also delve into smart, interactive screens and display solutions and branded games and quizzes to leave no stone unturned when it comes to maximizing audience engagement and retaining the crowd's interest for a prolonged period of time.