Delhi to Manali Distance
The total distance from Delhi to Manali by road is 520 km. The travel time is 11-12 hours but can vary depending on route, traffic and weather. Some people complete the journey in one go while others take breaks and stop at famous dhabas and scenic spots.
The first part of the journey up to Chandigarh is smooth and fast as you are on NH44. After Chandigarh, the road starts ascending and the real mountain journey begins. Bilaspur-Mandi-Kullu stretch is where the road gets narrow with sharp turns and frequent landslide areas. If you are travelling in peak season you may face traffic jams near Kullu which adds to your time.
One thing that surprises many first time travellers is that the last 150 km of the journey takes as much time as the first 380 km due to the mountain roads. That’s why many travellers start early in the morning ideally 4 AM or 5 AM to avoid city traffic and reach the mountains early.
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