Avast Wifi Inspector
Avast Wifi Inspector is a free, easy to use app that will scan your network and display all of the connected devices in real-time with their MAC addresses and what kind of device they are. Avast Wifi Inspector is a tool that can detect the presence of any unknown devices on your Wifi network. Avast Wifi Inspector is a completely free and standalone program that can scan and identify potential network security issues in your home or office.
Avast's software is easy to use and can be installed on any Windows PC, without the need for an internet connection. It scans for all types of computer vulnerabilities like unprotected networks, Wi-Fi name or password exposure, and more. The tool works by scanning the wireless networks in your area and detects any unknown devices in the range of the network. It then shows them on a map in real-time, so you can identify which device it is and if it poses any threat to your network.