Everyone needs an Estate Plan!
Our approach is to integrate asset protection into your estate plan in a tax efficient manner regardless of your net worth.
That’s right - everyone. Do you own a house or car, or have a bank account? Then you have an Estate.
Estate Planning is not just for the rich - it is for everyone who wants to have a say in how their affairs are handled after they are gone. You have spent your lifetime accumulating your savings and property, so YOU should be the person who decides how it is distributed and how your affairs are handled.
The alternative to an Estate Plan already exists for you, but it isn't ideal - the government determines what happens to your family and assets because you did not have a plan of your own. This is called dying “intestate” and it is unlikely that the state’s plan aligns perfectly with your goals and wishes!
More explore at: https://www.rinaldi-law.com/estate-planning