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Indesit Washing Machine and Foreign Objects: What to Do

Encountering "стиральная машина Индезит посторонний предмет" (foreign object in an Indesit washing machine) can be a frustrating experience. Whether it's a forgotten coin, a piece of clothing, or any other item that shouldn’t be there, addressing this issue promptly is essential to prevent damage to your machine. Here’s how to handle it effectively:

1. Stop the Machine

If you suspect there is a foreign object in your washing machine, immediately stop the cycle. This prevents the object from causing further damage by getting lodged in moving parts.

2. Unplug the Machine

For safety reasons, unplug the washing machine from the electrical outlet. This ensures there is no risk of electric shock while you inspect and remove the foreign object.

3. Check the Drum

Carefully open the door of the washing machine and inspect the drum. Look for any items that may have fallen out of pockets or become tangled during the wash cycle. Use a flashlight if needed to get a better view.

4. Remove the Object

If you can see the foreign object, carefully remove it with your hands or with a pair of pliers if it’s hard to reach. Be gentle to avoid damaging the drum or any other internal components.

5. Inspect the Drum and Seals

After removing the object, inspect the drum and the door seal for any signs of damage or wear caused by the foreign object. Look for scratches, dents, or tears that may need repair. https://indesit-service.ru.com

6. Restart the Machine

Once you’re confident that the foreign object has been completely removed and there are no visible damages, close the door securely and plug the machine back in. Run a short wash cycle without any laundry to ensure the machine operates smoothly.

7. Prevent Future Incidents

To prevent foreign objects from ending up in your washing machine again, remind household members to check pockets before loading clothes. Using laundry bags for small items like socks can also reduce the risk of items getting caught inside the machine.

By addressing "стиральная машина Индезит посторонний предмет" promptly and following these steps, you can minimize potential damage to your Indesit washing machine and ensure it continues to function effectively for years to come. Regular maintenance and careful operation are key to extending the lifespan of your appliance.

Ремонт бытовой техники Indesit в Москве

Ремонт бытовой техники Indesit в Москве

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