Prolong the Life of Your Steel Structures with Expert Painting Services

Steel structures are an integral part of many buildings and infrastructure projects, but over time, they can be susceptible to rust and deterioration. At Orchid House Painters, we specialise in steel structure painting to ensure your investments are protected and maintained for years to come. Our structural steel painters bring invaluable expertise, ensuring every project is completed precisely and carefully.

Elevate Your Space with Professional Staining and Varnishing

Our team begins by removing dirt and chipped paint, followed by a thorough cleaning of the surface. Then, we sand the area meticulously to make it smooth and open up wood pores, allowing the varnish to be adequately absorbed. Depending on the area, we apply the varnish or stain using rolling or spraying methods to achieve a long-lasting, beautiful finish.

Why Choose Us?

Range of Services: We offer many services, from steel structure painting to wallpaper installation.
Expert Team: Our skilled structural steel painters and decorators ensure top-quality results.
High-Performance Materials: We use superior epoxy primers and coatings for steel, as well as high-quality wallpapers and paints for other surfaces.
Attention to Detail: Every step, from preparation to final touches, is handled meticulously.

Protect your steel investments and elevate your interiors with us. Our specialised services ensure durability and aesthetic appeal, making us your go-to partner for all painting needs. For more information, visit us at:
