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Which is Better Mini Bus or Tempo Traveller?

Deciding what to choose for a family trip, Tempo Traveller or Mini Bus is quiet complicating. You can check for some Pros and Cons of Tempo Traveller and Mini Bus before Choosing one for your next trip.

Tempo Traveller
When it comes for comfort, Tempo Traveller gives you more comfort seats, with entertainment facilities like wifi, sound system etc. Tempo Travellers are ideal for small group. But Tempo Traveller is not suitable for large families due to its lack of space for luggage. Although Tempo Travellers provides more comfortable ride than a mini bus.

Mini Bus
Mini bus is suitable for large groups of 15 to 30. Mini bus is more spacious, has wide legroom and comes with extra luggage space. Mini bus a perfect choice for large group going for a long-trip. But the fuel cost is higher and parking fees are more expensive for mini bus.

Which one to choose
For small family group like 5-10 people and for short-distance travel, it is better to choose Tempo Traveller Rental Delhi and for large family group like 8-12 people or more than that then, and for long-journey, it is better to choose mini bus from Delhi.


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