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From ₹50,000 to ₹300 Crore: The Remarkable Journey of Raghunandan Saraf, Saraf Furniture Owner

Explore the extraordinary success story of Raghunandan Saraf, the Saraf Furniture owner who turned a modest ₹50,000 investment into a business with a staggering ₹300 crore annual turnover. Discover how his focus on innovation and technology revolutionized his family's furniture business, setting a powerful example for aspiring entrepreneurs and demonstrating the impact of strategic growth and modern business practices.

Read the full news here https://hindi.news24online.com..../business/success-st

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Success Story of Raghunandan Saraf : कभी 50 हजार रुपये से की थी शुरुआत, आज 300 करोड़ पहुंच गया टर्नओवर - Success Story of Raghunandan Saraf who started furniture business from rs 50000 now rs 300 crore annual turnover safalta ke mantra

Success Story of Raghunandan Saraf : कभी 50 हजार रुपये से की थी शुरुआत, आज 300 करोड़ पहुंच गया टर्नओवर - Success Story of Raghunandan Saraf who started furniture business from rs 50000 now rs 300 crore annual turnover safalta ke mantra

Success Story of Raghunandan Saraf : सफलता के लिए कड़ी मेहनत के साथ टेक्नोलॉजी का इस्तेमाल भी काफी जरूरी है। सराफ फर्नीचर के फाउंडर रघुनंदन सराफ ने भी कुछ ऐसा ही किया।