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States with the Most Assisted-Living Facilities per Capita
Written by: Elena Cox

The United States is facing a caregiving crisis.
As America's population ages and adults are staying active for longer, many are choosing to live in assisted-living facilities.

Assisted-living facilities offer 24-hour care but are less hands-on than nursing homes. They can offer the best of both worlds for a generation that values independence. Still, low staffing levels are causing facilities to raise prices and, in some cases, close their doors entirely, exacerbating an already severe care gap.
Residents of assisted-living facilities generally have their own apartments with shared amenities, offering more privacy and autonomy. They are also typically less expensive than nursing homes or home care.

Compare Home Health Care Agencies examined data compiled by the Department of Homeland Security's Geospatial Management Office to find which parts of the country have the highest rate of assisted-living facilities per 100,000 residents over 65. While facilities have varying numbers of beds that can accommodate more patients, the number of facilities is used since bed data was not available for some states.

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States with the Most Assisted-Living Facilities per Capita

Compare Home Health Care Agencies examined data compiled by the DHS GMO to see where in the nation are the most assisted-living facilities per capita.