26 w - çevirmek

The https://www.classiciasacademy.....com/upsc-negative-ma is a tool developed by the Classic IAS Academy for UPSC CSE candidates to calculate their overall marks by adjusting the negative markings and marks distribution in both GS & CSAT. For Prelims Marks Calculator - The GS paper consists of 100 questions with a negative marking of 1/3rd of the total marks, that is 0.66 marks, and 2 marks allocated for the correct answer. For CSAT Marks Calculator - The CSAT paper consists of 80 questions with a negative marking of 1/3rd of the total marks, that is 0.83 marks, and 2.5 marks allocated for the correct answer.
Also try - https://www.classiciasacademy.....com/upsc-age-calcula
