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Is there any permanent treatment for thyroid?

The thyroid is a small gland that can be found in the middle of the lower neck that produces a hormone that impacts each and every cell, organ, and tissue in the human body. The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating body temperature and the heart rate as well as the production of protein and controlling the rate of your metabolism.

The causes of thyroid issues can be varied, but the 4 most common causes are:

1. Toxicity: Radiation and Heavy Metal exposure
2. Deficiency: In Iodine and Selenium
3. Food Intolerance: Gluten and A1 Casein Allergy
4. Hormone Imbalance – High Cortisol from stress, too many carbs, too little fat in the diet.

We discuss the top ways to cure your thyroid problem but let’s first see if you potentially have a thyroid problem.

An underactive thyroid, hypothyroidism, is when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone and an overactive thyroid, hyperthyroidism, is when the vital gland produces too much of the needed regulatory hormone.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:
Extreme fatigue
Weight gain

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism:
Muscle weakness
Unexplainable weight loss
Vision and eye issues
Sleep disturbances and problems

Although these are the symptoms associated with thyroid issues, either type of thyroid problem is very difficult to diagnose without a proper urine or blood test.

Get an iodine test and consult a specialist
The commonly used iodine spot skin test is useless. It’s better to get a “spot urinary iodine test” – which tests your morning urine to see how much iodine is present. Or, you can take a “24-hour iodine loading test” – which gives you a pretty good idea of how much iodine has been excreted and retained. Bottom line: get tested and consult a qualified, holistic medical professional

Natural Hypothyroidism Treatment
Here are the 8 Secrets to fixing your thyroid issues:

1. Go Gluten and A1 Casein FREE – the most common allergies and food intolerances today are from wheat and dairy products because of the hybridized proteins of gluten and a1 casein. These proteins can cause a “Leaky Gut” which in turn will cause inflammation of the thyroid and effect its function. Follow a grain-free diet or at least go gluten-free. Then only consume dairy products that come from A2 cows, goat milk, or sheep milk.

2. NO BPA – Bisphenol A (BPA) is found in plastic bottles and can disrupt your endocrine system and effect your thyroid. I recommend only drinking out of glass, stainless steel, or BPA-free plastic bottles.

3. Check Your Iodine Levels – If they are low use kelp or organic liquid iodine supplement.

4. Heavy Metal Detox – I recommend using a combination of Milk Thistle, Turmeric, Chlorella, and Cilantro to detox these harmful metals from your cells and organs.

5. More Selenium – Make sure you’re getting enough selenium in your diet but also don’t go overboard. Some of the best selenium-containing foods are brazil nuts, salmon, sunflower seeds, beef, mushrooms, and onions.

6. Adaptogen Supplements – Can lower cortisol levels and improve thyroid function like Ashwagandha and Tulsi.

7. Silver Fillings Removal – if you have amalgam fillings talk with a DAMS mercury safe dentist about proper removal.

8. Lower Carbohydrate Intake – Lower your intake of sugars and grains and replace them with healthy fats. Most women especially consume far too many carbs which increase estrogen and negatively effect the thyroid. Instead consume healthy fats that will balance hormones, like coconut oil, coconut milk, avocado, grass-fed beef, wild salmon, chia, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds.