9% vs. 51.9%, p = 0.06), and less often positive for CD45 (69.2% vs. 96.2%, p = 0.01), EMA (26.7% vs. 100%, p = 0.0005), and CD30 (60% vs. 81.5%, p = 0.09). Of 52 (50%) patients with clinical follow-up, 26 died after a median follow-up time of 40.0 months (range 0-96), and the median overall survival was 42.5 months. The median OS for patients with effusion-only and with extracavitary-only PEL were 30.0 and 37.9 months, respectively (p = 0.34), and patients with extracavitary-only PEL had a lower mortality rate at the time of last fol