''Tis a Mystery"
By: Vicki West
'Tis a mystery all when the heart fails to stir up that undying love, devoted and sure. Yet, there is the radical truth which comes even out of a false and passionate lure. It isn't what it should be.
True love isn't harsh and bitter and cruel or unkind. It isn't selfish or outrageous or afflicted in wounds that bind. The setting of sun shines the light still on the things that are better, lovely, and real.
True love should be easy I would love to believe. Not elusive or evasive or ugly but it should have its glory in all that it honors like diamonds dancing upon the sea.
There lies the mystery therein you see. Like a well spring of joy bubbling up from the depths of a soul where true love is shed when given a choice. A love can endure in all things and truth. A true love can echo a passionate voice.