24 C - Traduzir

 × CG; RE (MJ/d) = 4.184 × (0.082±0.002 × EQEBW0.75 × CG0.777±0.039), where P = slaughter plant effect, if commercial = -10.98, if experimental =0; G = gender effect, if steer = 0, if bull = 0.008169 and if heifer = -0.00612; B = genotype effect, if Zebu = 0, if dairy crossbreds = -0.03301 and if beef crossbreds = -0.01595; SBW = shrunk BW; CG = carcass gain; EQEBW = equivalent empty BW.Sainfoin is a protein-rich legume with an ideal amino acid profile and therefore could partly replace soybeans in the diets of growing pigs. However, sainf