23 w - Translate

422 vs 0.409, ROC-AUC 0.822 [95 % CI 0.787-0.855] vs 0.815 [95 % CI 0.779-0.849], diagnostic accuracy 70.42 % vs 70.93 %, KS-statistic 0.513 vs 0.494 and brier score loss 0.295 vs 0.291). The random forest algorithm significantly outperformed logistic regression in predicting in-hospital stroke with respect to all performance metrics F1 score 0.225 vs 0.095, AUC 0.767 [0.662-0.858] vs 0.637 [0.499-0.754], brier score loss [0.399 vs 0.407], and KS-statistic [0.465 vs 0.254]. The good discrimination of machine learning models reveal the po