23 ث - ترجم

The highest PM2.5 concentration (20.83 ± 5.21 μg/m3) was released from a slick of DOR 125, 8.83× greater than the case with pure crude oil. The average ratio of crude oil content from the slick of DOR 125 to the case with pure crude oil was 2.37 (1.83 vs 0.77 μg/m3) that decreased to 1.17 (0.90 vs 0.77 μg/m3) at DOR 1100. For particles less then 220 nm, the resultant crude oil concentrations were 0.64 and 0.29 μg/m3 at DOR 125 and 1100, both higher than 0.11 μg/m3 from the slick of pure crude oil.Although it was well known that arbuscul