What is Trauma-Related Counseling?
Trauma counseling is a specific type of therapy done to help the victim recover from emotional, psychological, or physical reactions to traumatic incidents. Traumatic events include but are not limited to violence, abuse, accidents, natural disasters, war, and the death of a person to whom the individual was closely related. This eventually results in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and many other trauma-related conditions.
Trauma-related counseling objectives are:
To offer a safe and non-treacherous environment where the client can tell their story with complete assurance of non judgment.
To help one understand and process their feelings and reactions to the trauma as they may have felt them.
Teach how one could cope with symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and even increased anxiety.

What is Trauma-Related Counseling?

What is Trauma-Related Counseling?

Trauma counseling is a specific type of therapy done to help the victim recover from emotional, psychological, or physical reactions to trau