Gonorrhea Symptoms, Testing, Treatment, and Risks

What are the Symptoms of Gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea, like other sexually transmitted infections, usually produces no symptoms, especially in women. Even when symptoms occur, the signs of the disease can vary between men and women:

For men, symptoms can include:

1.A burning sensation when urinating
2. A white, yellow, or green discharge from the penis
3. Painful or swollen testicles (less common)

For women, symptoms may be mild and mistaken for a bladder or vaginal infection. They can include:

1. Increased vaginal discharge
2. A burning sensation when urinating
3.Vaginal bleeding between periods
4. Painful sexual intercourse
5. Abdominal or pelvic pain

Gonorrhea Symptoms, Testing, Treatment, and Risks

Gonorrhea Symptoms, Testing, Treatment, and Risks

Gonorrhea, like other sexually transmitted infections, usually produces no symptoms, especially in women. Even when symptoms occur, the sign