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向破產管理署署長提交「債務人破產呈請書」及「資產負債狀況說明書」。有關表格可於債務人破產呈請程序簡介頁面免費下載 Coverage is the subject matter of solicitation. We advise you to guard your loan obligation versus unexpected situations to ensure that your family should not hold the stress to pay again on behalf of you. What ever your aims are, a personal loan5disclaimer is a straightforward and effortless borrowing Remedy to assist you reach what is imperative that you you. Key Characteristics 財務公司提供的貸款服務產品與銀行差不多。一直有說財務公司批核貸款比銀行容易,亦因此財務公司貸款利息亦會比銀行高。以往這或許是事實,但財務公司與銀行的利息差距不斷縮窄,借貸優惠亦愈來愈豐富,基本上借貸體驗並沒有太大差距。 在分配完畢後,免除債務人的剩餘的債務,