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各行各業,借錢好商量,當日撥款,息低保密,手續簡便,來電就借,借款不求人。 借錢好幫手,當面放款,息低保密,分期攤還,手續簡便,輕鬆還,借款不求人。 有工作來就借,小額借貸,現金週轉便利站,安心借輕鬆還,手續簡便,歡迎來電。 雖然私人借貸經常是基於信任進行的,但仍建議雙方簽訂一份書面協議。這份協議應詳細列出借款金額、還款期限、利率(如果有的話)以及任何其他相關條款。 申請破產絕非小事,必須慎重考慮。欠債人可從以下三個角度作考量,以衡量是否申請。 Fact: Most individual loans are unsecured, which implies they don’t demand collateral. Lenders commonly demand much more for unsecured loans, but there’s fewer danger concerned to the borrower. Personal loans usually do not usually need you supply an asset as collateral for getting authorised. The truth is, lots of individual loans are unsecured