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DBP increased by 5.4±4.2mmHg (11%, 9%, 12.8%). The third cycle demonstrated increased mean and percentage of SBP and DBP by 8.9±2.3mmHg (10%, 70%, 11.8%) and 4.2±1.9mmHg (3%, 2%, 6.5%), respectively. Collectively, for 31 patients, in the first cycle, mean SBP increased from 119.8±15.1mmHg to 138.8±13mmHg (p˂0.001), whilst mean DBP increased from 74.5±9.2mmHg to 79.2±9.1mmHg (p=0.007). Overall, 17 (54.8%) patients had increasing BP by ≥20% and nine (29%) had increasing BP by ≥20mmHg from baseline. This demonstrates significant increase