It is weighing upon my heart that we need to pray again and, yet again, For President Trump. I believe these acts of illegal election tactics Are discouraging him today. He is a human and he is not impervious to attacks upon his name, his character, his leadership or the attacks upon his respect for God.

I ask you to pray for Donald Trump today that he will have his vindication. Through the judicial system, I pray there will be real fairness because America, herself, lingers and waits on the verdicts to bring forth her most shining hour since 1776. To all of you, I earnestly ask you to pray now and with much conviction as our prayers shall honor the president and especially, the Lord our God. Pray for every court that has the jurisdiction in these matters and prepare their hearts to do what is right and honorable and just. Let the courts see the records and hear the evidence that will show truth in the election and the deception. I ask you to be mindful to keep lifting up President Trump to the Lord as a man deserving of this office in fairness and in justness. Thank you.
