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0 (M = 14.5), p = 0.006, Goals = 16.0 (M = 11.5), p  less then  0.001, Impulse control = 13.8 (M = 11.5), p = 0.005, Awareness = 16.4 (M = 15.3), p = 0.183, Strategies = 17.9 (M = 13., p  less then  0.001, Clarity = 11.8 (M = 9.5), p  less then  0.001 and the total score of the DERS = 92.9 (M = 75.3), p  less then  0.001. Similar results were found in ASQ questionnaire scales - Concealing = 24.5 (M = 21., p = 0.002, and Adjusting = 20.9 (M = 22.8), p = 0.076 but not on the Tolerating Scale = 14.5 (M = 14.7), p = 0.873. CONCLUSION Our