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Keirin is a bicycle race on a special track ( velodrome ), where the winner is determined by ranking. This sport, which began in Japan in 1948, was introduced as a legal form of gambling to raise funds for urban reconstruction after World War II. Betting is done in a similar way to horse racing, and it is very popular as a combination of sports and gambling.

In Korea, keirin was officially introduced in 1994 and is operated as a nationally authorized gambling jointly managed by the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation and local governments. The profits generated through keirin are used for public interest projects such as the National Sports Promotion Fund, Youth Development Fund, and Culture and Arts Promotion Fund, thereby promoting development throughout society.


2024 년 11월 경륜 베팅 하는 법 – 경륜 최신 팁과 전략 제안

경륜 베팅 방법과 경마와의 차이점을 바탕으로 경륜만의 매력을 탐구하고, 어떤 베팅 유형이 있는지 구체적으로 설명할 예정입니다. 경륜의 베팅에 대한 이해를 높이고자 하는 초보자부터 전략을 강화하려는 경험자까지 모두에게 유용한 정보가 될 것입니다.