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Vastu consultant in Dubai
Though vastu rules remain the same world wide, but each place has some unique problems. While doing consultation in Dubai, Dr. Smita faced a unique problem; the vastu compass deflected to a large extent which made consultation much harder. Every corner and room gave different reading. This was not only in one properly but unfortunately in 90% of the properties she visited for consultation. Deflect in the compass is majorly due to the Elecro-magnetic radiation, hence consultation has to be done very carefully, specially in Dubai. If wrong directions are provided then the consultation is done according to those direction which can infact create further problems. Thanks for her frequent visit to Dubai that she noticed this issue. Incase you are planning to avail vastu consultation from Dr. Smita, make sure you take proper directions for Dr. Smita on how to take the directions properly, in-case going for online consultation.