15 Ways To Properly Clean Out Your Built In Wardrobe

It's that time of year again when we start to think about spring cleaning. For many of us, this includes finally getting around to cleaning out our built ins Sydney wardrobes. If your built in wardrobe is anything like ours, it's probably full of clothes that you don't wear anymore, shoes that are too small or too big, and general clutter.

In this article, we'll show you 15 ways to properly clean out your built in wardrobe so that you can make the most of the space.

1. Schedule some time in your diary for the task and make sure you stick to it. Whether it’s an hour on a Saturday morning or 20 minutes every evening after work, set some time aside specifically for cleaning out your wardrobe.

2. Start by removing everything from your wardrobe and giving the shelves a good dusting. This will help you to see exactly what needs to be done and will make the task seem less daunting.

3. Once everything is out of the wardrobe, sort through each item individually. Ask yourself whether you really need it and if you’ve worn it in the past year. If the answer is no to both of these questions, then get rid of it.

4. Once you’ve cleaned out your wardrobe to only the essentials, it’s time to start putting everything back in a more organised way. Use shelf dividers or boxes to group similar items together – this will make it much easier to find what you’re looking for when you need it.

5. Don’t forget to leave some space in your wardrobe for future purchases. If you pack everything in too tightly, it will be difficult to add new items and this can lead to clothes becoming creased or damaged.

6. Make sure all of your clothes are clean before you put them back into your wardrobe. There’s nothing worse than reaching for a favourite shirt only to find that it’s covered in last night’s dinner.

7. Once everything is clean and organised, take a step back and admire your handiwork. A tidy wardrobe will make getting dressed in the morning much easier – and it will also make your bedroom look much nicer.

8. To keep your wardrobe looking its best, make sure you put all of your clothes away neatly after wearing them. Hang up shirts and dresses and fold jumpers and trousers so that they don’t become creased.

9. Every few months, go through your wardrobe again and edit out any items that you no longer wear or need. This will help to keep your wardrobe tidy and prevent it from becoming overcrowded.

10. If you have any clothes that are too small or no longer fit, don’t keep them “just in case” – get rid of them. There’s no point hanging on to clothes that you’re never going to wear.

11. If you have any special occasion clothes that you only wear once in a while, consider storing them away in a different part of your home. This will free up space in your wardrobe for everyday items.

12. If you share your wardrobe with someone else, make sure you both know where everything is stored. This will help to avoid arguments and ensure that everyone can find what they’re looking for.

13. If your wardrobe is looking a bit empty, don’t be tempted to fill it up with clothes that you don’t really need. Only buy new items when you have space for them and be sure to get rid of anything that you no longer wear.

14. If your wardrobe is on the small side, make use of storage boxes and baskets to keep things tidy. This will help to maximise the space and prevent everything from becoming crammed in.

15. Finally, remember that a wardrobe is for storing clothes – not for collecting dust. Make sure you clean it out regularly so that it stays neat and tidy.

Assuming you have followed all of the steps in this guide, your built-in wardrobe should now be clean and organized. You can enjoy having all of your clothes and accessories neatly stored away, and easily accessible whenever you need them. With a bit of regular maintenance, your built-in wardrobe will continue to look great and provide you with years of use.
