Can we go Delhi to Kullu Manali by Train?
If you are planning to visit Kullu Manali, then you might wonder the best possible way to visit Kullu Manali from Delhi by train. Though there is no direct train run to Manali but you can catch a train and pair it up with a scenic road trip.
The nearest railway station from Manali is Joginder Nagar Railway Station which is located 162 km away. You can use Chandigarh Railway Station which is approx. 290 km away from Manali and Pathankot Railway Station which is approx. 300 km. You can either get a taxi or bus for onward journey from these two railway stations.
Those who are planning a group trip can consider choosing the best Manali Tour Operators in Delhi. They offer different packages as per your requirement with rail tickets, pick-ups and drop off services from railway stations to Manali. The majority of tour operators facilitate private tempo travellers or cabs for a stunning and comfortable trip through the hills. They take care of everything from stay to sightseeing and transfers making your travel comfortable and hassle-free. If you are an adventure sport lover or seek a peaceful retreat, the operators make your travel from Delhi to Kullu Manali easy and memorable.
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