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This short 12-second video was taken on January 13th, 2021 at the Apple store in Naples, Florida. I scheduled an appointment to fix my daughter’s phone and was met by 6+ security guards dressed in black combat fatigues and feigned politeness. There were blue and red dots on the sidewalk on where you were to stand with your mask on, which was mandatory to wear outside their building as well as inside. They used radios to communicate with Apple’s management to let people in and out. Needless to say, I was outraged at this conspicuous display of authoritarianism.

I have been a user of Apple products for some time, as I believe they were a stable platform and offered the best price for performance for their devices. I knowingly looked the other way when I heard of substantiated claims of slave labor being used to make the iPhone. I also heard of barricades and nets designed to prevent the slaves from committing suicide by leaping to their deaths in Apple’s high-rise factories in Communist China. I swore to my daughter, as God as my witness, that I will never again purchase an Apple product.

When you look at this video you may be saying to yourself “What’s the big deal?” I posit this:

If this video were taken in 2019 or 2018 or 1992 or 1984, would your reaction be the same? Probably not. I suspect that the further back in time you go, if people were to see a glimpse of this video, they would naturally be inclined to believe that it was a movie set. These actors and extras were being filmed for a dystopian science fiction movie. Right?

Who else would cue up in a line, standing on a dot six feet away from others, wearing a mask and taking orders from paramilitary forces clad in black to ‘purchase’ a little box? To add insult onto injury, this little, shiny black mirrored box tracks your every move in real time as well as your actions online and costs you several hundred dollars that you gladly pay for. All the while, real slaves made the product you are buying as they treat you like an unwanted economic slave with the Orwellian act in front of the store.

This is sheer naked authoritarianism. It is habituating Americans, and all of humanity for that matter, that this is the new normal for a disease that 99.98% of mostly healthy humans survive. It’s the flu. However, the response to it is a slow, insidious creep of control into every aspect of our lives. I used this adversary’s platform for too long due to convenience – no more!

I have not been outspoken about things political before, but enough is enough!

I have pledged three solemn vows to myself for this year and beyond:

1. I will be true to myself. I am an individual who has inalienable rights -granted to me by God -not a government. The federal, state and local government is of, by and for the people. The government exists to serve the people, not the other way around. When I find myself wanting to curtail my activities out of fear of reprisal, I’ll know I’m on the correct path. I’ve never felt this alienated and ostracized in my entire life. There is a controlled implosion of the United States of American and its freedom loving ideals occurring right now. It is my opinion. I doubt you’ll be able to change it based on the FACTUAL information that I have researched as a lone, autodidact researcher.

2. 2021 - the year of the boycott. This may take more than a year, but I will do it. I voted in the 2020 presidential election. I’m of the opinion that I was disenfranchised with my individual vote. I guess Mark Twain was right when he said “If voting mattered, you wouldn’t be allowed to do it.” Well, there are other voting techniques out there. You can vote with your feet and leave an authoritarian state (don’t bring your leftist ideals with you). You can also vote with your money, which I am a strong advocate for. As I stated earlier, I will never again purchase an Apple product – I am boycotting them due to their disgusting actions that I witnessed to today. Full disclosure: I’m currently writing this on the adversary’s equipment, an Apple Mac laptop, but I’m not being hypocritical. I will use the enemy’s platform until I find an alternative solution which I’m currently researching. It’s a long game in terms of boycotts. You have to find substitutes or simply do without a certain item if there is no other replacements or alternatives to a company that you do not believe in.

If this means boycotting all of big tech (Google, Apple, Amazon, Netflix) and big box stores Wal-mart, Sam’s Club, Best Buy, etc.,etc.,etc., Why are they allowed to be open and small local shops must be shuttered?! Freedom loving people must rally around a different ecosystem in terms of finance, communications and social interaction. If one needs to be built in parallel to the existing freedom hating systems – then so be it. There is an inherent danger of being funneled into an electronic ‘ghetto’ of sorts. #boycott #boycottbigtech #freedom #PatriotParty