Two years ago about this time I injured my hand and it started the devcline in my health , started out with almost having to amputate my left arm and ended up being legally blind from detached retinas and still dealing with that.
The Lord has provided my every need from the start , I have the best fanily , Church family and friends in the world .
I also have folks calling me 2 and 3 times a day that I don't even know checking on me , they are real concerned about my business listing with Google and my car warranty , lol.
Seriously , if it wasn't for my family and Church family I would have lost my home last year , when this began I had no insurance and once what little I had put back was paid to the doctors and no way to get out and earn anything it was an overwhelming feeling of desperation , 2 years and 6 surgeries later I am current on my bills with a roof over my head and plenty to eat , don't know how , but God has really blessed me.