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Wordle – an online game that allows you to play on your browser. There is no app on the smartphone, and no need for PlayStation5 to play. The game’s interface includes 30 separate squares above, organized like a table with 6 rows and 5 columns and tiles of many different letters below.

What is the Wordle game?
Wordle is an online game that has regularly appeared on social networks and websites. This is a quite simple game with many lines of letters like other word puzzle games.
You have 6 lines of letters to guess the correct word of the day. If you fill in an English word and the color of the line changes to green, it means you are right. In contrast, if the color is yellow, this means the required word has the same letters but is organized in another order.
After each time of guessing, the colors of the tiles gradually change to show how you are close to the correct answer.
The game is nearly like some games that require players to remove the provided numbers and find out the last key.

History of Wordle
Josh Wardle is the developer behind Wordle (you can see where the name of the game comes from). To this day, he's Reddit's software engineer. He created a prototype for the game in 2013, but his friends weren't interested.

In 2020, Mr. Wardle and his partner found joy in completing crosswords and word games as part of their morning routine. He wanted to make a game that fits that, so he went back to his prototype.

How to play Wordle
Wordle – an online game that allows you to play on your browser. There is no app on the smartphone, and no need for PlayStation5 to play. The game’s interface includes 30 separate squares above, organized like a table with 6 rows and 5 columns and tiles of many different letters below. You can enter 6 words using the provided letters. In other words, you can use the first 5 words to find hints about their letters and the position of the letters. Then, players have the last chance to guess the last word, and its color changes to green completely.

The colorful blocks are a map of the player's predictions and "reference" to the number of attempts to solve the game. The remaining number is up to hundreds, corresponding to the Wordle puzzles that have been solved.
Wordle has been around since November but started gaining attention through "digital word of mouth" in late 2021. But it started to get popular around early January 2022 to the point of already many apps copying Wordle's gameplay on the App Store. There are even apps that use the game's Wordle name directly.

Tips for playing Wordle
If you've played word puzzle games, you might want to avoid the following tips and rely entirely on your instincts. For others who don't want to see a lot of gray tiles, here are some tips that might come in handy when you play Wordle.

Choose your first word: The first word is arguably the most important. You can choose words with three vowels and all five different letters to expand the range. For example, media, ratio, radio...

Avoid repeating gray cells: The text panel at the bottom of the Wordle panel shows letters in green, yellow, and gray. You should avoid reusing grayed-out letters. This is obvious when your next row should be a five-letter word that doesn't use the letters you tried earlier.

Letters can appear twice: This complicates your problem, especially when you are running out of letters to try from row 4 or 5. Some words may be repeated like chill, berry, press, …

Special features of Wordle
Only one puzzle per day: This makes for interesting gameplay; you only get one play at Wordle. If wrong, you have to wait until tomorrow to get a new puzzle. All results shared right on Wordle will be hidden: When you have guessed the right word or did not guess the word. You will be invited to share your results for the day. Shared images will hide all words, only green, and yellow boxes.

Everyone will have the same answer: Sharing the results but not showing the answers is perfectly suitable for everyone to solve the same answer. Unfortunately, if you see someone spoiling the answer, the puzzle will lose its appeal.

Link: https://wordlewebsite.com/
