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The record of human knowledge will be collected, organized, preserved, communicated about, and shared through the Electronic Library For Minnesota, whose mission is to contribute to research, scholarship, and the common good through collaboratively collecting, organizing, preserving, communicating about, and sharing the record.

Vision Electronic Library For Minnesota (https://elm4you.org/
) will serve as a critical catalyst for emerging types of research, teaching, and learning that engage the academic and cultural record. This will make the library an invaluable resource.

In particular, the Electronic Library For Minnesota is structured to:

The goal of this project is to create a digital archive of library materials that is trustworthy, ever more extensive, and jointly owned and administered. These materials will be converted from the print collections of the member institutions
To drastically increase access to these materials in ways that, first and foremost, fulfill the interests of the institutions that co-own them, with a special emphasis on providing access for persons who are unable to read printed material.

Creating an infrastructure for digital content that is of use to academics and researchers that is both cost-effective and robust, including a range of formats and materials that were born digitally, is the goal of this project.

The goal of this project is to build partnerships and services that will assure the preservation of the items contained inside Electronic Library For Minnesota as well as the whole print and digital scholarly record.

In order to cut down on the long-term costs of capital investments and operating expenses associated with the storage and maintenance of print collections, efforts need to be redoubled to coordinate shared storage solutions among libraries.

In order to cut down on the expense of protecting intellectual property on campus, it is necessary to provide infrastructure that makes fruitful partnerships between partner universities easier and more cost-effective.

Defining and making available a collection of services that assists researchers who are making use of the Electronic Library For Minnesota corpus is the goal of this project.

The goal is to provide a technology framework that will enable the production of tools and services in a centralized as well as a decentralized manner.

Maintaining the Electronic Library for Minnesota enterprise as a "public good" while also defining a set of services that are advantageous to member institutions is the goal of this endeavor.
