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A great number of reputable news websites reflect the prejudices of the writers or editors who created them. Even while it is essential to be able to rely on news sources that are level-headed and impartial, it is human nature to gravitate toward viewpoints that are similar to our own. Sometimes we also look for news that is going to challenge the opinions that we hold. As long as you are aware of the apparent biases present on certain websites, you won't necessarily need to avoid visiting those websites.

It is well accepted that The Wall Street Journal has a tendency to lean to the right, whilst Fox News is known for featuring fiery characters that frequently express the sentiments of its viewers who lean to the right. On the other hand, CNN and NBC tend to feature pundits who are regarded as having a more moderate or progressive leaning. As long as you are aware of any potential biases, the information found on these websites might be useful for either validating or refuting the beliefs you already hold.

Survey results indicate that the main television news networks are trusted sources of information by the majority of people in the United States, despite the widespread belief that these networks have a political bias of one kind or another.

Local news is the coverage of events by the media in a local context that would not be of interest to another locality, or otherwise be of national or international scope. If you only want local news with journals and magazines without political agendas, you can better search for a local or regional magazine, which is a kind of journalism. Local news refers to coverage of events that would not be of interest to another locality, or otherwise be of national or international scope. Thats why i recommend https://washingtonindependent.com/ as an example of a great source of news not driven by any agenda
