A program was organized by the private TV channel TV News18, at a five-star hotel in Lucknow. State's Deputy Chief Minister Shri Brijesh Pathak graced the event with his presence as the chief guest. The program was organized in order to honor 22 celebrities who have achieved new records and remarkable achievements in various fields. To appreciate all the stalwarts who have touched the pinnacle of success with their lofty spirits, and whose achievements have made the state of Uttar Pradesh stand out, on a national level. Dr. Sudhir Giri, the Honorable Chancellor Shri Venkateshwara University received “The Legend of Uttar Pradesh Award”, by Mr. Brijesh Pathak. News18 TV channel UP Uttarakhand identified the names of those personalities in the program “The Legend of Uttar Pradesh”, who not only made their own identity in diverse fields but also showed a new direction to society with their accomplishments. To the ones who have made outstanding contributions to the progress of the state of UP. The purpose of this event was to have discussions on the challenges related to the education system, health care infrastructure, and economic growth of Uttar Pradesh. As well as, to share thoughts on the changes and strategies necessary for the growth of the state. On this occasion, a small video showing the achievements, records, and commendable work done by the Medical Hospital during the Covid period of Shri Venkateshwara University, was also broadcasted on the screen, and it was highly appreciated by all the veterans. State Deputy Chief Minister Brijesh Pathak praised Dr. Sudhir Giri for his remarkable work. Dr. Giri, however, gave full credit for his success to all the staff members of his university and medical college, he applauded the hard work, dedication, and sincerity of his fellow workers, as a result of which the university has been making so much progress.
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