Unlock radio
As I wrote in the group description, I'm the proud owner of a Ford Focus model. I really love my car and created this group to share useful tips and life hacks as well as read your comments and share experiences.
And so, here is the first post. Like many other car owners, sometimes I encounter unpleasant surprises. Recently I had a case that the radio in the car was blocked. That was the first time, so I had to spend a little time to solve the problem. On one of the forums, I found various options for sites that offer to generate a special code. One of these that I have used is Get My Radio Codes (https://getmyradiocodes.com/fo....rd-focus-radio-code/
The bottom line is that you enter the serial number and the program selects a special code for you. It's all absolutely free if you wait a bit. If there is no time, then you can, of course, pay and get a 4-digit code much faster. In general, I'd been waiting for about 24 hours and received it completely for free. So my problem was solved.
Have you ever had something similar? How did you solve the problem of the radio block?
Asif Dewan
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