Discover the Deserts in the Most Adventurous Way at Wadi Rum Bedouin Camp

Massive sand dunes, steep, colorful cliffs, narrow gorges, and enormous honeycomb weathering patterns are just a few of the diverse landforms seen in the desert. As the sun highlights various colors and details throughout the day, Wadi Rum's appearance varies. You can also explore the three-hour trek from Wadi Rum's Burdah Rock Bridge.

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Wadirumbedouincamp | One Day Scrambling Burdah Rock Bridge

Wadirumbedouincamp | One Day Scrambling Burdah Rock Bridge

Let’s go with us at Wadi Rum’s best experience i.e. scrambling Burdah Rock Bridge at very affordable price. Scrambling natural Rock Bridge at Wadi Rum will always remember to you