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How is Increasing Air Pollution Level Driving APAC Air Quality Monitoring Market?

For more insights:- https://www.psmarketresearch.c....om/market-analysis/a

Among the leading causes of death and disability across the globe is also air pollution. Due to technological advancements, which have led to the development of machines which burn fossil fuels for generating energy for different purposes, the quality of air has been declining swiftly. As per the 2016 Global Burden of Disease report, about 6.1 million deaths occur due to air pollution globally, and the low and middle-income countries, particularly in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, account for 90% of this burden. This is due to the large population base of countries in the region.

In order to cope with this serious issue effectively, it is necessary that the air quality is monitored regularly. A major purpose of air quality monitoring is to determine which areas violate an ambient air quality standard. Health-based ambient air quality standards are set at pollution concentration levels that lead to harmful impacts on health of human beings, if the levels of ambient air quality standard in an area, the air pollution levels need to be mitigated. Attributed to the surging levels of air pollution in the APAC region, the demand for air quality monitoring systems is also increasing.

Major end users of air quality monitoring include government agencies & academic institutes, pharmaceutical industry, commercial and residential sectors, power generation plants, and petrochemical industry. While in the past, government agencies and academic institutes have been a primary user of air quality monitoring systems, the demand for these systems is also predicted to grow considerably from the commercial and residential sectors in the years to come. This can be attributed to the rising prevalence of respiratory diseases and lung cancer, which is compelling people to keep the air quality of their surroundings in check. Within the region, Japan has been creating the largest demand for these systems due to the development of advanced technologies.

In the coming years though, China is predicted to emerge as the fastest growing APAC air quality monitoring market, which is attributed to the surging air pollution levels and the increasing prevalence of respiratory diseases in the country. According to the World Air Quality Index project, Beijing reported an air quality index of 275, which is unhealthy on an alarmingly high level. Because of this and rising awareness regarding environmental and healthcare implications of high pollution levels, the government is focusing on curbing this problem.

Hence, the demand for air quality monitoring is growing in APAC due to the surging air pollution levels and rising prevalence of respiratory diseases.

APAC Air Quality Monitoring Market Size | Industry Report 2023

APAC Air Quality Monitoring Market Size | Industry Report 2023

The APAC air quality monitoring market generated $936.6 million revenue in 2017 and is projected to witness a CAGR of 10.0% during the forecast period, on account of increasing prevalence of respiratory diseases, large scale industrialization, and in