लेमनग्रास की खेती कैसे करें और इसके फायदे | Lemon Grass Farming
The scientific name of lemon grass is Cymbopogon flexuosus. Lemongrass is also known as Jarakush in Hindi. We also know lemongrass as China grass, lemon grass, Cochin grass, Malabar grass, Indian lemon grass. In India, lemon grass is cultivated in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Assam, Maharashtra, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka and Rajasthan. Lemon grass is cultivated as a medicinal plant. 75% Citral A, Citral B chemical elements are also found in the leaves of lemon grass. Due to which lemon grass smells like lemon. Lemon grass is mostly used as a ginger root in tea.