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WebAmP R.D. Feature: PCB Area Estimation - Andapt

PCB area is a crucial design aspect in a switched-mode power supply (SMPS) design. The larger the PCB area, the greater the cost. Providing customers with an estimated PCB area would save cost and time. AnDAPT addresses this issue through WebAmP R.D. (Reference Design), a software tool that enables customers to get off-the-shelf PMIC solutions for popular SoCs for fast time-to-production.
Visit : https://andapt.medium.com/weba....mp-r-d-feature-pcb-a

WebAmP R.D. Feature: PCB Area Estimation | by AnDAPT | Jan, 2023 | Medium

WebAmP R.D. Feature: PCB Area Estimation | by AnDAPT | Jan, 2023 | Medium

AnDAPT addresses this issue through WebAmP R.D. (Reference Design), a software tool that enables customers to get off-the-shelf PMIC solutions for popular SoCs for fast time-to-production. Figure 1…