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Siddharth Mehta, Bay Capital Founder views on the Digital Transformation Growth in India.

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Siddharth Mehta who is a founder and CIO of Bay Capital says after Covid-19 the growth of digitalization is tremendous and it will increase 10 times in the next decade. - Siddharth Mehta, Bay Capital Founder is very optimistic about the digital growth of the Indian economy

Siddharth Mehta who is a founder and CIO of Bay Capital says after Covid-19 the growth of digitalization is tremendous and it will increase 10 times in the next decade. - Siddharth Mehta, Bay Capital Founder is very optimistic about the digital growth of the Indian economy

Siddharth Mehta who is a founder and CIO of Bay Capital says after Covid-19 the growth of digitalization is tremendous and it will increase 10 times in the next decade.