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Most recommended and useful way to contact PayPal

We all know about PayPal, this is one of the popular payment platforms that allow users to process their transactions in an easy manner.
If you are a user of PayPal, you must have aware of the fact that PayPal never gives its users a tough time and they always have a smooth experience
by using PayPal features. Although sometimes, you may get some technical glitches by using PayPal, then you might want to contact PayPal Live Chat.
These problems may range from transactional errors to individual issues. So, to ensure that you can get help from PayPal executives
in case of any technical glitches or an issue, PayPal has different support solutions.

Paypal Live Chat | Paypal Online Chat Support | Paypalwiki

Want to contact PayPal via PayPal live chat? Go to the “Summary” page of your account, scroll down and tap on the “Contact Us” option to send your message.