Tree Services Wellington

Increase the surface area of the stump as the easiest way to dramatically increase the decomposition rate is to increase the surface area of the stump. Drilling holes into the top and sides of the stump is the best way to go about doing this. The more tree services Wellington area the stump has, the more space bacteria and fungi have to land and start their work. As an added bonus, holes drilled into the top will catch rainwater, which will also help the process along. Your tree care specialists will almost certainly have long, powerful drills suitable for this job another obvious method of increasing the rate of decomposition. It's doubly effective if you do this and drill holes at the same time.

Increase the Heat and Humidity as you don't want to go about setting up space heaters pointed at your stump, but what you can do is loosely stake down one of those tree services Wellington over the stump; they're excellent at keeping heat in. Then, pour a pitcher full of water over the stump each morning. The heat trapped by the blanket will evaporate some of the water, which will (more or less) stay inside the 'dome' created by the blanket, and help create a more promising, high-moisture environment for the bacteria and fungi that want to consume your stump.

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