Alcoholism - The Stages of Alcoholism
Alcoholism is a chronic, often fatal disease that affects your physical and mental health. It can also interfere with your job, relationships, and social life.
Regardless of the severity of your drinking, there is help available to get you back on track. The sooner you seek treatment, the better chance you have of staying sober for good.
Pre-alcoholism stage
Alcoholism is a complex disease that can be difficult to diagnose and treat. However, understanding the different stages that alcoholics go through can help you identify a problem earlier and get your loved one the treatment they need.
The pre-alcoholism stage is a period of time where a person begins to drink a little more than they would like, possibly as a way to reduce stress or anxiety. They may also start to develop a tolerance for alcohol and need more drinks in order to feel the same effect.
People in this stage are usually hiding their drinking problems from family and friends, trying to make excuses for their behavior. They have a hard time limiting their drinking and are often unable to stop drinking altogether. They may start to miss work and social functions due to their drinking.
Alcohol abuse
Alcoholism is a disorder that involves excessive and repeated use of alcoholic beverages to the extent that it causes physical, mental, social, or economic problems. It is also a risk factor for other health problems such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and suicide.
People who abuse alcohol may do so for many reasons, such as a desire to relax or cope with stress. They may also have a family history of alcoholism or be exposed to negative social pressure to drink.
They drink excessively and in ways that harm their relationships or lead to other problems with friends, family and colleagues. They may also suffer from symptoms such as blackouts or memory lapses after drinking too much.
The sooner a person seeks help, the better chance they have of overcoming alcohol addiction. Treatment can include counseling, support groups and other resources to get you started on a path to sobriety.
Alcohol addiction
Alcoholism is a long-term medical condition that involves drinking too much alcohol and often harms your health, work or social life. It can also affect your mental health.
If you have an alcohol use disorder, you need help to stop drinking or cut back on your drinking. You might need to go through a treatment plan that includes medications, talk therapy and support groups.
In addition, you might need to address any unresolved trauma that is contributing to your alcohol addiction. A psychologist can help you resolve these issues so that you can stop drinking and live a healthy life.
Drinking too much over time can change the way your brain works and make you crave alcohol. This makes it harder to control your drinking.
Treatment for alcoholism aims to help you stop drinking and learn how to cope with stress without alcohol. It can include medications, talk therapy (psychotherapy), and support groups.
A doctor may suggest a medicine called naltrexone or disulfiram, which blocks opioid receptors in the brain and stops you from drinking. It can also help reduce cravings.
Naltrexone is available in pill form and as a shot that you get once a month. You take a pill each day until your doctor says it's time to stop taking it.
A doctor can also recommend other treatments. These include group meetings and support from family and friends. These types of treatment are often the most effective. Studies show that having a supportive network can help you maintain abstinence from alcohol.